Voices 4 Ability Radio

All Abilities All The Time

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the hub of information and entertainment that is required in the Canadian disability community. Where are the organizations that can help, what do they do and who to ask for help. We cast a spotlight on entertainers, sports and business professionals, who rose above their challenges while focusing on their ABILITIES. While also playing 100% Canadian content of emerging artists.

Our Vision

Voices 4 Ability Radio: To create awareness through inclusivity.

Founder of Connect 4 Life, Melanie speaking to a woman.

Connect 4 Life (C4L)  and Voices 4 Ability (V4A) Connection

According to Stats Canada (2022), approximately 27% of the Canadian population are individuals with disabilities. A 2019 study by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) showed that 9.7% of individuals with disabilities are qualified to work in mainstream media, however only 3.1% of the mainstream media workforce identifies as a member of the disability community. 

This led to the creation of both Voices 4 Ability Radio and the An Accessible Voice in Broadcasting program. V4A was created as a way for individuals with disabilities to gain experience in media, confidence in themselves and information they can use daily. We engage with organizations that help individuals with various disabilities and present that to the disability community, for the community and by the community. Voices 4 Ability Radio operates under Connect 4 Life (C4L). C4L is a not-for-profit organization that offers programs and resources that set up individuals facing disabilities for success. The organization conducts frequent programs and training that address key challenges and help engage people with the right tools and support.

V4A Radio is proud to contribute to the education of students in An Accessible Voice in Broadcasting program as the exclusive broadcaster of the programming recorded during the course and by offering student internships after the successful completion of the program. Students will learn how to write for radio, about digital recording and processing, editing the content, adding music, sound F/X and much more. We aim to instill confidence in students so that they may create their own show, obtain a job/promotion or just improve their day to day life. 

This 20-week hands-on introduction to radio broadcast course offers in-depth training on the fundamentals of radio broadcasting for individuals with disabilities. Students have the opportunity to create content, interview people, and learn about editing and other technical aspects, with the final project being a start on their own podcast.

V4A broadcast with 2 men.